Which Is the Best Martial Arts Style for Fitness? Let’s Settle the Debate

Determining the best martial arts style for fitness is almost impossible. There are dozens of martial arts that humans have been practicing for thousands of years, and martial arts has changed millions of lives. We’re going to go through the most effective martial arts that you can try at our studio and try to settle […]
Taekwondo vs Karate: Which Martial Arts Style is Better and Why

Taekwondo vs Karate – one of the longest-standing debates in martial arts. Lots of people think they’re the same, but there are a few differences that will determine which is better for you and your personal goals. We’ll settle the score and go over the differences between karate and taekwondo to help you make your […]
How to Build Confidence with Adult Karate Class: Tips and Tricks

How to build confidence – it’s the age-old question. In this day and age, we are so quick to compare ourselves to anyone, anywhere. It’s easy to not feel worthy in your relationships, your work, or any area of your life; but it’s not true. If you’re struggling with confidence, self-esteem, and understanding just how […]
4 Awesome Benefits of Kids Karate Class You May Not Know About

It’s pretty hard to pick just 4 benefits of a kids karate class, as it’s been practiced for thousands of years. But off the top of our heads, the best 4 benefits are; healthy stress management, discipline and perseverance, better grades, and bullyproof-ness. We know those are some awesome results! Check them out below.1. Stress […]